Heather Docherty, a Unitec landscape architecture students and member of Friends of Oakley Creek showed me around a stretch of the creek today. This was a huge help in gaining understanding of the history, issues and navigation of Oakley Creek. The life that the creek fosters, and the interesting changes that occur along it really struck me. Oakley Creek is a very large creek! My scope is huge, what I am trying to do is huge... I will have to be very specific and selective about what I document!
I am so excited about this creek... rainbow-coloured birds, a rabbit and ducks all sited on a very quick walk along it! In the middle of urban Auckland... who knew? Historic stone walls, old rubbish tips, one side of the creek volcanic, from wild-bush to open park to (after New North Rd) a much more man-made water body. The widening and distance to the creek will be crucial to my sections (I think I'll need to borrow a laser measurer). Heather has agreed to help me identify plant life and anything else I find with my photographs, which will be a great help.
Below is a re-re-revised map of my strategy for tackling this scope. From talking to Heather, I think these 12 places will cover the main changes along the creek. However, I don't think I can totally plan where my sections will be drawn. Maps are very subjective things, so if I come across an interesting change I need to be able to map it. This will just be a guideline to my investigation.
The red line is the end of my scope, as it is where the motorway plan starts. I needed to place limits somehow, and have decided to do this based on the motorway plans to draw a direct relationship between the motorway mapping and my mapping. This will be an interesting document in terms of how the motorway changes the places of the creek, where it is going to be re-aligned, and where construction sites etc are planned. Friends of Oakley Creek are very concerned about the creek's health during the construction of the motorway.